Schedule a 1-1 consultation and class arrangement

Soalan Lazim

Maklumat berguna untuk anda dan anak anda

Schedule a 1-1 consultation and class arrangement

Senarai Maklumat

Fee cycle

Fees are paid per module. Our school has our own calendar with 12 modules per year. Each module consists of 4 weeks.

Fee payment

Fee payments can be made through online bank transfer, credit card and e-wallet payments only. We do not accept cash. If you wish to pay by cash, please pay directly into our bank account at public bank ATMs.

School calendar and dates
Replacement classes

We will provide up to 4 replacement classes per module only (for both the basic and enhanced programme). If a student is absent for a replacement class, no additional replacement sessions or refunds will be offered.  

China primary and prep programme: 

  • If no group classes are available for replacement, a 40 minute online one to one session will be provided as a replacement instead.
  • Replacements should be made within the same week that the student is unable to attend.
Illness, last minute cancellations

Any class cancellations must be made before 9am of the day of the class. We will be unable to arrange any replacements for requests made after 9am on the day of the cancelled class.

Public holidays

Replacements for public holidays are included, as long as the number of replacement classes does not exceed 4 per module.

Class arrangements

Classes must be arranged and confirmed before the module starts.


Refunds are not provided once the module has started.

Sibling discounts

We provide a 10% sibling discount for all the siblings who are enrolled together.
Only one type of discount is applicable at any one time.
Discounts are not provided for fees that have already been paid.

Prepayment discounts

3% discount off the programme fee for paying 3 modules in advance.
6% discount off the programme fee for paying 6 modules in advance.
Only one type of discount is applicable at any one time.
Discounts are not provided for fees that have already been paid.

Cuti Sekolah, Cuti Sakit dan Kelas Gantian
Kelas Gantian boleh diberi dengan notis minimum dua jam. Untuk kelas peribadi perseorangan, ia akan dijadualkan semula tertakluk kepada ketersediaan guru. Bagi kelas berkumpulan, pelajar boleh menyertai kelas lain yang sedia ada untuk penggantian. Ini tertakluk kepada ketersediaan dan dalam tempoh tamat program yang ditetapkan. Sekiranya anda terlepas kelas penggantian, kami tidak menawarkan penggantian yang lain.
Kelas penggantian disediakan untuk pelajar yang meneruskan pengajian dengan kami. Bagi pelajar yang telah memberi notis untuk berhenti kelas maka perlu menghabiskan semua kelas penggantian pada akhir bulan semasa.
Cuti Umum
Kami mengiktiraf beberapa cuti umum Malaysia dan tidak mengenakan bayaran untuk cuti-cuti tersebut. Kami akan mengadakan kelas gantian.
- Yuran pendaftaran: Ini merupakan bayaran sekali sahaja untuk semua pelajar baharu
- Yuran barangan: Yuran ini termasuk semua bahan untuk program dan aplikasi membaca (tidak termasuk bayaran pos luar negeri). Yuran barangan diprorata bagi setiap suku tahun dan dibayar semasa pendaftaran.
- Yuran program: Yuran ini dibayar setiap bulan sebelum permulaan bulan dan boleh dinilai secara pro-rata hingga setengah bulan.
- Yuran yang dibayar tidak boleh dikembalikan
Kami mengekalkan guru yang sama untuk mengajar anak anda. Semua guru kami dipilih dengan teliti serta menjalani latihan dan diselia untuk memastikan kualiti. Walaupun semua guru baik, anda mungkin berasa selesa dengan seseorang guru tertentu, disebabkan telah biasa. Jangan biarkan ini menghalang anda daripada menukar kepada guru lain sekiranya keperluan ini timbul.
Kelas akan direkodkan dari masa ke semasa untuk tujuan pemantauan kualiti dan latihan. Pusat ini berada di bawah pengawasan 24 jam untuk tujuan keselamatan.

Drop Us a Message

    Happy Kids and Parents

    우리 아이가 잘 적응할 수 있도록 도와주신 원장님과 아리따운 선생님들께 먼저 감사드립니다. 새롭게 단장한 모습이 너무 마음에 들고 중국어를 더 쉽고 재밌게 배울 수 있는 모든 어린이들의 배움터로 발돋움할 수 있기를 기원합니다.

    Park Sun Hee South Korea

    彦妤 had no interest in Mandarin language until she joined Busy Bees about 2 years ago. The programmes structures have impressively drawn her interest toward Mandarin language. My daughter progressed very well in speaking and reading in Mandarin. thumbs up Busy Bees.

    Jane Yan Wei Malaysia

    We are loving the programme and the teachers are super duper supportive. And cant wait for the next class. It is so nice to be able to learn new language and it is super fun.

    Jin Kazuha Japan